March 2022 Vintage Sign of the Month
In the early days of commercial air travel, before the jet age, flying boats or Clipper ships (as Pan Am called them) roamed the skies.
This vintage sign depicts a Pan American Airways Clipper landing in Hawaii. Hopscotching across the Pacific to complete a San Francisco to China flight.
"Fly the Clipper to Hawaii, Midway, Wake, Manilla & Now China
Leaves San Francisco Weekly
9,000 miles in only 6 days...one third the time it takes to make the regular steamer trip of 21 days
At Home Everywhere!
Pan American Airways"
The perfect gift for aviation enthusiasts, travel lovers, or anyone who appreciates the romance and daring of early air travel.
Each wood sign is unique with the look and feel of a vintage sign. For indoor use or outside in a covered area. Made in the USA.